The Context Explorer feature found in the simulator within each flow’s editor allows you to view and better understand all the variables available in your flow. The explorer gives a detailed breakdown of values and their expressions, which can be copied for use elsewhere.
To use the Context Explorer, first navigate to the flow’s editor. In our example, we want to see all the available variables for a flow asking contacts to join a group of their choosing to earn a free coupon:
At the bottom right corner of the editor, we see the Simulator button:
By clicking the ‘Run in Simulator’ button, we will run a test contact through the flow up to whichever point in our flow we’d like to view. Here, we’ve run the test contact all the way through to the flow’s exit, or end.
We’ll then click on the ‘@’ symbol found at the bottom left of the simulator to view the Context Explorer:
In our example flow’s explorer, we can immediately see the test contact’s telephone number, the global API key set in our account, how many inputs were received from the contact, the results of the flow, and the flow’s run:
We can expand each value to view even more detailed information like when the contact was created, the language of the contact, their group membership, and more:
We can hover over a value and click the clipboard icon:
This will copy the expression for that value to the clipboard for use elsewhere: